Tuesday, November 10, 2015

New Song

We learned this song today to help us remember where to start our letters.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Pumpkin Drop

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

Thank you to everyone who was able to join us for the pumpkin patch field trip. We had a great time! Everyone in our class has written about their favorite part of the trip, and we are in the process of creating a class book with all of our ideas. I appreciate everyone who has sent in the photos from our adventure. Take a look at all the fun we had.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Pumpkin Patch Reminders

Just a reminder that we are headed to the pumpkin patch on Monday. Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather and mud.

We will be leaving Hayhurst at 10:30 and arriving back from the pumpkin patch around 1:30 (depending on traffic).

Our class is extremely excited about this trip!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Grandparents' Day

Thank you to all of the grandparents who came and worked with us in our classroom today. It was a lot of fun to have you join us!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


Today we learned more about jack-o-lanterns and then used our knowledge about shapes to create our own jack-o-lanterns.

Over the next few weeks we will be documenting the decay process to see what happens. These pumpkins will live in ziplock bags and we will write about all of the changes we observe.

As a class we also decided on the shapes we wanted for our class pumpkin.

Our class pumpkin will be carved and then live out in the garden space to see how the weather and other elements change a pumpkin. We will be able to view this pumpkin from our classroom window. We are excited to see the whole life cycle of a pumpkin!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Pumpkin Seeds!

We have counted the seeds in our table pumpkins and we found a lot!

Here are our final counts:

Red Table: 465 seeds
Green Table: 444 seeds
Yellow Table: 432 seeds
Orange Table: 430 seeds
Purple Table: 384 seeds

As we counted we worked on counting by groups of ten and then putting those groups together into groups of 100!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Birthday Information

We will try to celebrate birthdays on the actual date, however for birthdays that fall on a weekend we will celebrate on the Friday before the birthday, and for summer birthdays we will celebrate half birthdays. When your child's birthday is approaching you will receive a flyer of the following information.

Ms. Williams’ Class Birthday Menu

As a way to celebrate our special birthdays in kindergarten, the birthday student will have some special choices.

Each student will have show and tell, a guest read aloud, and get to choose one other activity off of the Birthday menu.


*Please contact me if there is another 15 minute activity your child would like to do, or if you are planning to bring in snacks.

If possible please bring healthy snacks to promote positive habits for all of the students in our class.  (I understand a little treat now and then.)
*All snacks must be store bought.*

Happy Birthday to:
My birthday is on: _____________________________________________
My birthday activity will be on: ______________________________
For my activity I am choosing: _______________________________

Guest Read Aloud

The birthday student may choose a special guest and/or a special book to be read aloud to the class.  This is a great time to share a favorite story!  The guest reader could be a family member or a school staff member.
The book I want to have read is: ___________________________________________________
The person I would like to have read the book is: ___________________________________________________
If my guest reader is someone from home they will be able to come in to class at: _________________
(I will do my best to work with schedules)
My guest reader can be contacted:
Phone Number:_________________________________

The birthday student will have a special show and tell time. Please go over the following with your child to help them be ready for the presentation.

My show and tell is: ___________________________________________
I like it because: ________________________________________________
I got it from (place, or person): ___________________________________
It is special to me because: _____________________________________
Please help your child pick one activity off of this list, or contact me if your child has another 15 minute activity they would like to do.

Special Craft
The birthday student may choose a special craft she or he would like to lead the class in creating. Projects should be able to be completed in 15 minutes. It is the responsibility of the birthday child’s family to send supplies not already in the classroom. My family will supply (if necessary): __________________________________________________________________
I need you to supply (common items like glue, scissors, etc.): ____________________________________________________________

Indoor Free Time
The class will enjoy 15 minutes of extra indoor free time.  This includes classroom toys, centers, etc.

Extra Recess
The class will enjoy 15 minutes of extra outside recess (weather permitting).

Game Time
The class will have 15 minutes to play some of their favorite math and literacy games.  The birthday student is also welcome to bring a favorite board or card game from home to share.

GoNoodle Dance Party
The birthday student may choose 15 minutes of favorite GoNoodle songs or activities for the class.

Exciting News!

Our class STEM project has been fully funded! Thank you for helping spread the word and for your support in this fundraising. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Ms. Williams

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Donors Choose STEM Project

Hello Kindergarten Families,

Exciting news, students love the STEM activities that I have in the classroom! In order to keep up with their enthusiasm for learning I have created a new project on donorschoose.org to acquire some different stations that we could use in our classroom.

If you are able to donate please go to http://tinyurl.com/STEMdonation

This week through September 21st, using the promo code SPARK on the payment screen will double any donation you make to my project!

If you can't donate anything at this time don’t worry, just share this information with anyone who you know is passionate about education. Your donation will have a direct impact on at least 20 students this year and you'll hear back from our class about your impact!
Please feel free to send me any questions you may have, and know that my students and I greatly appreciate your support.

Thank you again!
Ms. Williams